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Problems with heart electrical signals

Heart Block / Conduction Delay
Heart block or better termed Conduction Delay occurs when the normal electrical pulses that cause the heart to contract and pump blood...

Ectopic Beats
The heart is comprised of 4 chambers; 2 atria, which sit on 2 ventricles. An electrical “timekeeper”, called the sino-atrial node, is...

Ventricular Ectopy
The heart is comprised of 4 chambers; 2 atria, which sit on 2 ventricles. An electrical “timekeeper”, called the sino-atrial node, is...

Atrial Fibrillation
The heart is comprised of 4 chambers; 2 atria, which sit on 2 ventricles. An electrical “timekeeper”, called the sino-atrial node, is...

Atrial Flutter
The heart is comprised of 4 chambers; 2 atria, which sit on 2 ventricles. An electrical “timekeeper”, called the sino-atrial node, is...

Supraventricular Tachycardia
Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), also called paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, is defined as an abnormally fast heartbeat. It's...
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